Aquaculture Prep

Oxynova® is a super-concentrated powder that needs to be mixed with water prior to applying. The amount of Oxynova required varies based on the volume of water being used and the size of the affected area. Refer to the dosage chart below for conversion information.

To mix, add Oxynova to water and SHAKE WELL for at least 90 seconds or until the powder is completely dissolved. When preparing in large volume containers, add the Oxynova first to allow the water pressure to help mix the solution. Once mixed, Oxynova can be used immediately or within 20 hours.

Application using a sprayer or hose is recommended.

Shrimp Farming Example

Mixing Water Volume

Oxynova Dosage


Sample Protocol


10 gallons

2 - 4 grams

Hatcheries & Larviculture

At initiation of cycle per 250 gallons of water


10 gallons

3-6 grams


Per 2.5 acres of water

Slow drip, if possible. If not, once daily

10 gallons

100 grams


Per 2.5 acres (Nurseries)

Twice per week

10 gallons

200 grams

Grow out – Initial Treatment

Per 2.5 acres

Once – 
Shock Treatment

10 gallons

25 - 50 grams

Grow out – Maintenance

Per 2.5 acres depending on the load of organic matter (after initial shock treatment)

Weekly – 
Dose based on pathogenic load.