Waste Management Prep

Oxynova® is a super-concentrated powder that needs to be mixed with water prior to applying. The amount of Oxynova required varies based on the volume of water being used and the size of the affected area. Refer to the dosage chart below for conversion information.

To mix, add Oxynova to water and SHAKE WELL for at least 90 seconds or until the powder is completely dissolved. When preparing in large volume containers, add the Oxynova first to allow the water pressure to help mix the solution. Once mixed, Oxynova can be used immediately or within 20 hours.

Application using a sprayer or hose is recommended.


Landfills and Waste Sites

Initial application of Oxynova on landfill or waste site requires a shock treatment.

Water Volume

Oxynova Dosage

Sample Protocol


Bulldozer with Water Tank & Spraying System

100 - 200 gallons

1 KG

Cleanout Area


200 - 300 gallons

4 KG

Working Phase: 
Two rounds of 2 KG each.


Water Truck Application 

2,000 – 4,000 gallons

5 KG

One round via water truck on working phase and cleanout area.


*Based on 100’ x 100’ working phase area.

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Due to varying treatment objectives, engineering and influent water quality of wastewater treatment plants, technical consultation is required for protocol information. E-mail us at techsupport@shopoxynova.com to see if a pilot program is right for you.